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How does Photo Anonymizator work?

How does Photo Anonymizator work?

Supporting a wide range of image formats and camera types, Photo Anonymizator takes a set of photo files as input and analyses their associated EXIF, TIFF, GPS or camera manufactorer's metadata containing information like date and time the picture was taken, aperture and lense used, geo-location the shot was taken, et cetera. It then allows you to create copies of those files and have a certain predefined, but completely customizable, set of metadata attributes removed. The predefined set of attributes to remove are the privacy-related ones like GPS location or timestamp of where and when a photo was taken. Hence the name "Photo Anonymizator" for an application that can in general of course be used to remove any metadata attribute of a photo file (be careful though what you do!).

Photo Anonymizator will never modify any original photo file you provide as input. It will always work on copies of those files. Also, Photo Anonymizator will never overwrite an existing file (e.g. "Photo.jpg"). Instead, it will add a sequence number to the end of the filename it tries to create (e.g. "Photo 02.jpg").

Nevertheless, think twice before deleting your original photo files: the attributes removed from the anonymized copies can't be restored to re-create the original photos (that would actually defeat the purpose of the app). So keep your original stored savely. And distribute the anonymized copy as needed.

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